In 2021, the 1,000 most influential climate scientists in the world were ranked based on publication record and social media engagement. Of the top 20, only one was a woman. (Reuters, 2021). Yet, the first scientist to make the connection between increased CO2 and atmospheric warming was Eunice Newton Foote back in 1856. At the same time, women bear the brunt of the climate crisis — about 80% of people displaced by climate change are women (UNDP, 2016).
The gender divide is also pronounced in the sustainability finance and digital landscapes, two areas influencing society’s ability to achieve climate targets. A 2019 study found that only 3% of climate finance addressed gender equality as a primary target (OECD, 2016; Samuwai & Fihaki, 2019). In terms of global connectivity, men are 21% more likely than women to have internet access, and this likelihood rises to 52% in least developed countries (USAID, 2022). The downstream consequences from this lack of internet access have repercussions both in human rights dimensions and on global economic impacts – with an estimate of one trillion dollars annually left on the table due to women not being able to contribute equally in the digital age (Alliance for Affordable Internet, 2021).
However, despite these inequalities, inspirational stories of hope abound. Women who experience the consequences of climate change are often leaders in developing coping strategies and building resilience (WEF, 2022). As noted at COP26, by the Women in Finance Climate Action Group, “Women are not just victims; given the opportunity they are powerful agents of change” (Reid & Greeves, 2021).
Authors: Éliane Ubalijoro, Pauline Koelbl, Carey Bohjanen, Janet Kabeberi Macharia, Jessica Givens, Rose Mwebaza, Amanda Ellis, Rachelle Fox, and Andréa Ventimiglia.