The Importance Of Innovative Fund Structures In Africa (Summary Of Roundtable Discussion)

We all recognize that traditional debt and equity models haven’t always worked, and yet there is still some reticence to try new models on the Continent.

In the summer of 2022, SME.NG, Anza Capital, Uncap, and WIC Capital, with support by Advancing Women in Investments (AWI), Samata Capital and Women in African Investments (WAI) hosted a discussion on how innovative structures can work in the African context. The speakers and attendees came from across the Continent and included both traditional capital allocators as well as those with innovative investment vehicle approaches.

It’s important for market stakeholders to continue to iterate and collaborate on these structures to accelerate learnings and best practices with the ultimate goal of making innovation mainstream.

To gain insights from the discussion, click the link below to download the 20-page PDF highlighting key elements of innovative structures and their benefits to returns and risk mitigation.


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